Trevor is secure, flexible, and teams actually love using it
Italy's first unicorn
“The speed at which we can develop dashboards and get data set the precedent in the company for how accessible data should be.”
Reporting to Investors
For a fast growing fintech startup like ScalaPay, it was essential to establish a clear reporting process early, so their investors had visibility into key business metrics.
As Johnny Scalapay’s CTO says: “The first thing you have to do as a startup is craft the dashboards the investors get to see, so being able to just create something automated and share the link just did the job and was very impactful from day one".
ScalaPay have raised in excess of $700 million from some of the leading VCs and investors globally, and uses Trevor to report back to these stakeholders.
High Adoption
A key element of Trevor that helped ScalaPay reach high adoption levels was it’s usability regardless of technical training. The tech teams use it to identify and flag issues in the database and have the ability to write SQL within Trevor, while non-tech teams use it to create and share dashboards with click and drag options instead of SQL.
Johnny jokes: “I knew that Trevor was a bit of a winner, it’s almost impossible to get it out of the company once it’s in - which mean it’s a good product, people just love it!”
Later in our conversation Johnny reiterates how naturally Trevor has become a part of how their company operates when he says:“
The cool thing that surprised me about Trevor is just how sticky it is, it’s a tool that as soon as the company gets their hands on it and they figure out just how powerful it is to generate insights for their team and for the business, it just kinda spreads throughout the whole company.”
After initially onboarding with our standard cloud-hosted plan, ScalaPay decided to switch to a self hosted plan. We’re finding this approach is becoming increasingly popular for a number of reasons, not least the ability to maintain web services privately. Having a simple implementation process for self-hosted or on-premises plans is a priority for the Trevor implementation team.
As Johnny says about his experience moving to self-hosted: “The set-up to bring it in-house wasn’t challenging, there was enough guidance and steps along the way, as well as ongoing support from the team […] so it wasn’t really hard at all".
If you’re interested in exploring Trevor but your company has requirements for data to stay within your private network - get in touch to discuss what this could look like for you:
Customer support
In our experience data is a complex thing to work worth, and no matter how user friendly a BI interface is, your team will always need help with certain kinds of reports. For most companies this means late night slack messages to software engineers or data analysts ahead of that important board meeting the following morning. At Trevor we decided to build that support into the platform through a live chat feature which our whole team is constantly checking - and with the experience of ex-CTOs & top software engineering talent - there’s no need to bother your colleagues.
Johnny mentions his team’s experience with support: “We find we get support within minutes, it’s actually really quick […] and that in itself brings a lot of confidence into the product.”
Furthermore we have a slack community for our clients, curated by our customer success team, so everyone can keep up to date on new product releases and share how Trevor is impacting their business.
Could Trevor work for you?
Trevor is leading the way in a new category of data tools - self-serve analytics. What guides our approach is the belief that everyone can work with data, and companies are more impactful when their team is data-driven, regardless of what department they sit within.
Johnny puts it like this: “I would recommend [Trevor] to startups for sure, especially startups that just need to get access to their data quickly […] it’s one of those products where it was just so easy and just so good from the get go I would definitely recommend it. And then those companies will evolve, I guess a bit like ours, and then it stays as part of the ecosystem of that company.”
Sound like the kind of future you want for your company - get in touch to discuss with our team: