How Lexoo, a London Startup, uses to empower their team
Written by
Harry Marshall
Last updated on
November 4, 2022

Backed by Forward Partners and 500 Startups, Lexoo has helped Monzo, Ebay, HelloFresh, and over 14,000 other businesses get legal advice and support that matches their commercial goals.
Trevor has opened up business intelligence for our team. They’re no longer in the dark. Everyone from interns to product managers and marketers at Lexoo use it.
Chris O'sullivan, CTO at Lexoo
In this case study, Chris O'Sullivan, Lexoo's CTO, explains how and why Lexoo uses
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The problem
We were sitting on a whole load of data that our team needed to make daily decisions. But, prior to using, the only people with access to it were my engineers. Like most IT teams, we were rushed off our feet and didn’t have time to deal with the constant influx of data requests - people would have to really convince us they needed something.
We knew this had to change. Things we tried included:
- Buying a license for Tableau, another BI solution. But the learning curve was incredibly steep and it was too expensive to use company-wide.
- Looking for another suitable data tool. But we couldn’t find anything that offered the flexibility our team needed that didn’t require users to be able to write SQL.
- Creating analytics pages, but these would often crash and weren’t flexible enough to let people answer ad hoc questions.
- Giving the team an intro course to SQL. But, it’s hard to get meaningful results when you only know SQL basics.
- Doing frequent “data dumps” into Excel. This would take ages, Excel would often crash, and the data was out-of-date within days.
How Trevor Helped
Trevor’s helped us in two ways:
- Trevor has opened up BI for the team.
Trevor is the best, easiest way for our team to access our data and find the answers they need, without technical assistance. The interface is simple and flexible, letting you build up questions step by step.
I’ve had no problem getting people to adopt it, and it’s a must-have tool for new hires - we give them a quick training session and then they’re good to go.
Trevor’s “suggested questions” feature, which helps you get started, is something I particularly like. It starts you on a voyage of discovery - immediately you have a list of interesting results and can start to dig in. - Trevor gives you live feeds to export data to tools like Google Sheets and Excel.
We build reports in Google Sheets. For example, we have a giant dashboard with all of our company KPIs, which we look at once per week as a team. Whereas previously it was a nightmare to populate this, Trevor’s live data feeds makes it super easy. In fact, we set it up once, and now it’s up to date all the time.
Overall, we’re very happy with Trevor and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
Thanks Chris! Lexoo is one cool company and we feel fortunate to count them among our customers 🚀😃.
What kinds of questions do Lexoo answer using
Everyone from interns to product managers and marketeers at Lexoo have used Trevor to get the answers they want out of our data.
Curran Dye, (formerly) Marketing Manager at Lexoo
Lexoo’s team use Trevor to answer a whole range of questions that help them make data-informed decisions, day to day. Here are some examples:
- What’s the quote-to-success rate per month for each legal area? What percentage of first quotes are successful?
- How many daily/weekly enquiries are received from each marketing channel?
- How are lawyers converting clients over time? If they’re not, what’s wrong?
- Are KPIs being hit? An important KPI, for instance, is to deliver 3 quotes in 2 business days to a potential client. If this didn’t happen on a particular occasion, what was the reason? Was it because there weren’t enough lawyers for the specific specialty, or simply that not enough lawyers responded? If not enough lawyers responded, why was this? Was it because they had been sent the wrong work (e.g. they had been incorrectly tagged as specialising in commercial, rather than immigration law)?
- And many more.
Get in contact to learn how we can help democratize data at your company and empower your team :-)